Room 7 students had loads of fun during their last week of school - visiting the rocky shore and the aquatic centre, building shelters in the enviro-centre and finally enjoying quality gifts during the 'secret santa' game. What a great time we all had with a great group of kids. Thank you everyone for making the last school week of 2020 a wonderful time for us all. Miss you all already.
Oakura School 2022 Room 7 is made up of 32 learners - 31 fantastic students and their teacher. We are all looking forward to a great year in the Year 5/6 team. Our school is situated west of New Plymouth, on the coast. We have an amazing school environment that we really value and we are have a key role in the Predator Free Taranaki initiative. In Room 7 our class motto is 'We choose kind.' Our blog shows what we have been getting up to in Room 7.
Tuesday, 15 December 2020
Fun Final Week for 2020
Friday, 27 November 2020
Mind Plus
I was very lucky to visit Mind Plus recently to see the fantastic work one of our Room 7 students created. It was a very pleasant visit as not only did I see some great work, I also purchased some beautiful baking that the students had baked themselves.
Saturday, 14 November 2020
Water Safety
Room 7 students were very lucky to attend a water safety session with Cecily. Important points covered included that if someone is in the trouble in the water, get help immediately and consider your personal safety first. See if you can throw something to the person in trouble to help them float such as an empty bottle or a ball. Also if you find yourself stuck in a rip, then lie on your back, skull and let the rip take you out to the last breaking wave. Surf the waves back in. Try and put your hand straight up for help - you will need to skull horizontally while doing this. If you find yourself caught in a current in a river, then go with the current, on your back, and feet first until you are able to get yourself over to the side of the river bed. Finally if you are going in a boat, always wear a life jacket that fits you properly.
Tuesday, 3 November 2020
Wacky Hair Day
Dance workshops
Students are enjoying viewing different dance styles from around the world before they create their own dance routine in preparation for our arts display.
Monday, 26 October 2020
Disco Fun
Swapsies was the the theme of Friday night's school disco - and what fun we had. Great costumes Room 7 and great dancing. Thank you for a great night.
Thursday, 24 September 2020
Sunday, 20 September 2020
Sunday, 30 August 2020
Hockey skills
Room 7 students have been very lucky to receive hockey skills training from Georgia. We all enjoyed a good competitive game. Some great hockey skills on display.
Wednesday, 26 August 2020
2020 Cross Country
I was so proud of everyone yesterday who took part in our cross country event. You all gave 100% and coped well with the change in circumstances due to New Zealand being in level 2 for covid 19. The event was held in the school grounds and included the enviro centre which added a true cross country experience. Well done to you all. Awesome effort!
Monday, 17 August 2020
Making Stop Motion Movies
Fun times in Room 7 using the Stop Motion app on their devices to record their movies. Good work kids.
2020 Year 5/6 Interschool Competition
Team captains proudly presented their speeches at the completion of our games at Woodleigh School. Good job kids.
Sewing Classes
The Year 4/5 & 6 students have been taking part in sewing classes and are very proud of their finished products. Well done kids.
Wednesday, 1 July 2020
Puanga/Matariki Buddy Afternoon
Today was a perfect day for kite flying. Students really enjoyed making their kites to celebrate Puanga. We also made a decorative kite for the classroom wall.
Monday, 22 June 2020
Visiting Olympian Ambassador
Richie Patterson, New Zealand Olympic Ambassador, visited our school today - he gave a very important message about although he achieved a gold medal at the 2014 Commonwealth games for weight lifting, he had many failures along the way from which he learnt from.
Monday, 1 June 2020
Creative Video
Click on the link to enjoy one example of many creative videos students from Room 7 created during their time in lock down.
Sunday, 3 May 2020
Friday, 1 May 2020
Emoji Pictionary
Hi Room 7
Have fun trying to guess the books. Email me your answers and I will let you know how you got on.
Have fun trying to guess the books. Email me your answers and I will let you know how you got on.
Anzac Day Recount
Anzac day
A few days ago it was anzac day. For the morning Jacinda Ardern said to stand at their mailboxes for a minute in silence . But since we lived on a road we had a better idea. In the morning at 6 ‘o’clock we had a ute ride to our biggest hill on our land (if you're wondering, we live on a farm) and climb onto the water tanks that are on top of the hill and watch the sunrise. In the morning I woke up before mum woke me up and we dressed up in warm clothes. Laura (my sister) made herself and me a hot chocolate but i decided to leave mine home we went on the back of the ute and the hot chocolate kept spilling so we tipped the hot chocolate on our driveway. Then we drove down a bush track and I got my head hit by a bush. I turned my head around wondering what it was then another hit me in the face. What a way to wake up! Anyway we continued on and we had to open the gate to the hill. We drove up slowly and finally got to our destination. It was a very large hill and the sun had an amazing light, colored red. It looked like candy floss. Apart from the amazing view, it was also very cold and chilly. luckily we all had warm clothes. We watched and all said one thing about world war. I said thanks to all the nurses doing proper healing and not doing some of the worst bandages. Then we all listened to “the last post”. It made me feel a little sad but at the same time very lucky to live in New Zealand and not in another rough and tough country.
Quality Anzac Work During Lockdown
Anzac memories
On Anzac day - 25 of April my mum and dad
and I normally wake up very early and drive into town. We find a parking space
and walk to the cenotaph at dawn. It's normally really cold so I make sure to
wear my woolies. We find a space to stand and watch all the war veterans
walking down the street. There is also a brass band that walks down as
well,they were red and black uniforms. We also listen to all the speeches and
sometimes planes fly over and soldiers do a gun fire.
After the dawn ceremony we meet up with my
grandparents and go out for breakfast to Joe's garage. I’ve done this almost every
year. One year we laid our poppy badges on the cenotaph. I remember when we
came into Joe’s
they were handing out Anzac biscuits one year.

But this year it was different but
interesting. We painted poppies onto rocks a few days before 25 of April. I
painted all my rocks with a white background and each of them had one or two
poppies on them with the letters LWF meaning lest we forget.

On Anzac day we woke up at 5.30am in the
morning to go down to the letter box and play the last post. We saw our
neighbours out on the street as well. After we stood at our driveway we walked
down to Matekai park to place our painted rocks around the park.
We went for a walk a few days later through
matekai park and only saw four in their spots where we had left them. You can
see that these are the rocks that we painted. My ones are next to the two black
Amazing Anzac Artwork
Just one example of the beautiful artwork Room 7 students are producing as a result of learning about Anzac Day during their time of home schooling. Beautiful work.
Thursday, 30 April 2020
Amazing Anzac Work
Anzac poem
poppies sprouting
marching at sunrise
smell of cookies
read the ANZAC stories and all of them were good. But my favourite was the
ANZAC puppy. I thought that it was the best because it reminded me of all the
hardships people had to go through for example gallipoli. They knew they were
outnumbered and outgunned but yet they kept on fighting. Sure some of them
wanted to stop fighting in fact a lot of them did but they still fought, until
the british empire decided to evacuate after eight months of battle. This story
tells us that he was cold sleeping on dirt starving and only had a dog to keep
him company. But in the end they lived happily ever after, and the dog Frida
was cute.
● What is it like being forced
to fight and watch your friends die?
● Do you ever feel bad killing
people who just want the war to end so they can return to their families?
● Do you hate war?
It is to remember the soldiers that fought in world
war l and ll. My great grandfather was in the home guard as a tank driver. It
was just a fault in the machinery that he didn’t go to the front lines, because
he was perfectly healthy. In 1916 they made April the 25th the day we honor
those who died fighting for freedom and love. Every April 25th from then on
people have celebrated ANZAC day by wearing red poppies and baking the biscuits
that the wifes made and sent to their husbands and children fighting in the
war. Also going to their letterboxes at dawn. Memorials were set up in places like Okato with the
names of the soldiers that died fighting. No battle or war is great, the only
great battle is one that can be avoided all together.
Wednesday, 15 April 2020
Self Isolation Poem
In Self Isolation.
Sitting at home
Eating my lunch.
Looking out the window
Feeling in a
In self-isolation
So tired of this
Outrageously weird
Locked inside ‘cause
of this crisis.
All schools closed,
what a
Terrible disease,
Inside this house
Nobody at ease.
Oh I forgot the O
Lock Down Activities
Connie's bug house she made after logging into the Taranaki Regional Council's biodiversity in your back garden site. Well done Connie - looking forward to hearing how well it works.
Henry and Thomas built a hut as one of their 'grid' activities. Then they logged into Studyladder to complete some set tasks. Well done boys.
Henry and Thomas built a hut as one of their 'grid' activities. Then they logged into Studyladder to complete some set tasks. Well done boys.
Tuesday, 14 April 2020
Mole Patrol Videos
Hi Room 7
Holly and her family have created two really cool educational videos to watch. Click on the links and enjoy. Thanks Holly!
Holly and her family have created two really cool educational videos to watch. Click on the links and enjoy. Thanks Holly!
Wednesday, 8 April 2020
Welcome to Term 2
Welcome back to term 2 and online learning. I hope things are going well in your bubble. Please check your email account (if you haven't already done so) and log into google classroom to see what learning activities are available to you. I am available during school hours via email so contact me to catch up. Thanks Room 7 and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Monday, 23 March 2020
Great Ideas for While at Home
Thank you for your great ideas of what we can do over the coming weeks. This student's assignment summed it up really well!
Fun Things To Do In Self-Isolation
Covid-19 ( Coronavirus )
is a bad virus that can be harmful to elderly. We would have to stay away from
other people for two weeks if lots of people have cases of it. If so, here are
some fun things you can do with your family while being in self-isolation.
● Play some board games
and hang out with your whanau
● Use your imagination and
have fun on the lawn with your siblings
● If you have a pet, you
can play with them too
● Create new games and
share them
● Have limited device time
● You could do some
cooking or baking with an adult supervising
● Help out cleaning the
● Read a book, if you have
read all of your books, pick your favourite one and read it again
● Watch movies on rainy
days with your family
● Have a daily exercise
list for what you can do, eg. ten laps of the lawn and fifty jumps on the
● Write a story to share
with your family
The key thing is to stay safe at home and don’t worry! Those were some
fun things to do in self-isolation.
An Inspirational Poem Inspired by Dr Suess
Hi Room 7
This is your reading today! Read it in the style in of Dr Suess and share it with your family. I love the message this poem gives.
This is your reading today! Read it in the style in of Dr Suess and share it with your family. I love the message this poem gives.
Tuesday, 10 March 2020
Vertical Horizons Camp 2020
What a wonderful experience we all had at camp last week. I was so proud of everyone who took part - you should all be very pleased with yourselves. Not only with how well you did the activities but with how kind you were towards each other. Well done to you all - I feel very fortunate to be teaching you. A huge thank you to all the parents that helped - what a great team effort.
Sunday, 1 March 2020
Oceans Medalist
Proud of this young man who won a gold medal at the Surf Lifesaving Oceans Carnival for the beach relay. Awesome achievement.
Beach Clean Up
Room 7 picked up a large amount of rubbish from Shearer's Reserve today. Initially it looked as if there was no rubbish but we soon found a lot among the plants etc. Well done Room 7.
Monday, 17 February 2020
Cricket Skills
Room 7 students were lucky enough to take part in a skill session based on the game of cricket. The main points discussed were to always keep your eye on the ball and have a 'big swing'.
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