Anzac memories
On Anzac day - 25 of April my mum and dad
and I normally wake up very early and drive into town. We find a parking space
and walk to the cenotaph at dawn. It's normally really cold so I make sure to
wear my woolies. We find a space to stand and watch all the war veterans
walking down the street. There is also a brass band that walks down as
well,they were red and black uniforms. We also listen to all the speeches and
sometimes planes fly over and soldiers do a gun fire.
After the dawn ceremony we meet up with my
grandparents and go out for breakfast to Joe's garage. I’ve done this almost every
year. One year we laid our poppy badges on the cenotaph. I remember when we
came into Joe’s
they were handing out Anzac biscuits one year.

But this year it was different but
interesting. We painted poppies onto rocks a few days before 25 of April. I
painted all my rocks with a white background and each of them had one or two
poppies on them with the letters LWF meaning lest we forget.

On Anzac day we woke up at 5.30am in the
morning to go down to the letter box and play the last post. We saw our
neighbours out on the street as well. After we stood at our driveway we walked
down to Matekai park to place our painted rocks around the park.
We went for a walk a few days later through
matekai park and only saw four in their spots where we had left them. You can
see that these are the rocks that we painted. My ones are next to the two black
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