Oakura School 2022 Room 7 is made up of 32 learners - 31 fantastic students and their teacher. We are all looking forward to a great year in the Year 5/6 team. Our school is situated west of New Plymouth, on the coast. We have an amazing school environment that we really value and we are have a key role in the Predator Free Taranaki initiative. In Room 7 our class motto is 'We choose kind.' Our blog shows what we have been getting up to in Room 7.
Sunday, 3 May 2020
Friday, 1 May 2020
Emoji Pictionary
Hi Room 7
Have fun trying to guess the books. Email me your answers and I will let you know how you got on.
Have fun trying to guess the books. Email me your answers and I will let you know how you got on.
Anzac Day Recount
Anzac day
A few days ago it was anzac day. For the morning Jacinda Ardern said to stand at their mailboxes for a minute in silence . But since we lived on a road we had a better idea. In the morning at 6 ‘o’clock we had a ute ride to our biggest hill on our land (if you're wondering, we live on a farm) and climb onto the water tanks that are on top of the hill and watch the sunrise. In the morning I woke up before mum woke me up and we dressed up in warm clothes. Laura (my sister) made herself and me a hot chocolate but i decided to leave mine home we went on the back of the ute and the hot chocolate kept spilling so we tipped the hot chocolate on our driveway. Then we drove down a bush track and I got my head hit by a bush. I turned my head around wondering what it was then another hit me in the face. What a way to wake up! Anyway we continued on and we had to open the gate to the hill. We drove up slowly and finally got to our destination. It was a very large hill and the sun had an amazing light, colored red. It looked like candy floss. Apart from the amazing view, it was also very cold and chilly. luckily we all had warm clothes. We watched and all said one thing about world war. I said thanks to all the nurses doing proper healing and not doing some of the worst bandages. Then we all listened to “the last post”. It made me feel a little sad but at the same time very lucky to live in New Zealand and not in another rough and tough country.
Quality Anzac Work During Lockdown
Anzac memories
On Anzac day - 25 of April my mum and dad
and I normally wake up very early and drive into town. We find a parking space
and walk to the cenotaph at dawn. It's normally really cold so I make sure to
wear my woolies. We find a space to stand and watch all the war veterans
walking down the street. There is also a brass band that walks down as
well,they were red and black uniforms. We also listen to all the speeches and
sometimes planes fly over and soldiers do a gun fire.
After the dawn ceremony we meet up with my
grandparents and go out for breakfast to Joe's garage. I’ve done this almost every
year. One year we laid our poppy badges on the cenotaph. I remember when we
came into Joe’s
they were handing out Anzac biscuits one year.

But this year it was different but
interesting. We painted poppies onto rocks a few days before 25 of April. I
painted all my rocks with a white background and each of them had one or two
poppies on them with the letters LWF meaning lest we forget.

On Anzac day we woke up at 5.30am in the
morning to go down to the letter box and play the last post. We saw our
neighbours out on the street as well. After we stood at our driveway we walked
down to Matekai park to place our painted rocks around the park.
We went for a walk a few days later through
matekai park and only saw four in their spots where we had left them. You can
see that these are the rocks that we painted. My ones are next to the two black
Amazing Anzac Artwork
Just one example of the beautiful artwork Room 7 students are producing as a result of learning about Anzac Day during their time of home schooling. Beautiful work.
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